We were born out of passion ... or rather, of various passions.
Passion for cheese.
Passion for people.
Passion for Canastra.
Passion for Brazil.
It was a farm. It was supposed to be just a haven.
But how to be here and not notice these flavors,
in these hugs, in this joy?
How to be here and not notice this nature, this centuries-old knowledge,
this craftsmanship that belongs to us so much?
And the charm grew. And we studied. And we strive.
We seek all our courage to begin this new journey.
And what a journey! Quite a walk.
It reminds us of the climbs, the trails, the adventures in the mountains.
The challenges are daily.
But they are worth every dawn spent, every fall, every tear.
Hey guys!
We're young. But we've gone far. And let's go more.
We crossed the mountain, crossed the sea and went
shine there in Europe.
In the land of the best known cheeses on the planet!
We're young. We are tradition.
We're young. We are cheesemakers.
We're young. We are canastros.
We are Brazil. We are culture. We are flavor.
We are Vale da Gurita Cheese Shop.

Alta Mogiana
Alta Mogiana is a unique region, full of culture and flavours that pass from generation to generation.
Fazenda Morada da Prata is located in Alta Mogiana, in the northern region of the State of São Paulo, an area known for its excellent conditions for coffee production. It's a plateau with smooth mountains, with altitudes from 800 to 1,100 meters, and monthly average temperatures of 21ºC in the summer and 17ºC in the winter. The annual precipitation stays around 1,623 mm, with rains from October to April. These characteristics are more than ideal for the growth of a uniform coffee bean, keeping the fruit free from stress — this, sided with selective harvesting and the best post-harvest practices, guarantees the best results in the cup.
Alta Mogiana stands out as one of the most traditional and most prestigious areas among the 30 coffee producing regions in Brazil

In September 2013, with the support of the Alta Mogiana Specialty Coffee Producers Association, the region won recognition from the Alta Mogiana Origin Indication for coffee at the National Institute of Industrial Property.
The production of speciality coffees in the Alta Mogiana region has such relevance that, in 2007, it was created the Alta Mogiana Specialty Coffee Association (AMSC).
Currently, AMSC seeks to promote the region with several projects. One of them is the traceability of the coffees with special labels, offered by the association and issued by SafeTrace. Each label brings information about the coffees and a QR Code, where you can access information about that particular coffee and the producers.